Have questions about the planned COVID-19 vaccination rollout? We encourage you to review the Phased Allocation of COVID-19 Vaccines slide deck, which details the goals of the COVID-19 vaccine program, considerations as we balance these goals, and a framework of the vaccine rollout.
This includes information about the initial CDC grouping that was sent to states for states to further refine. In Iowa it was an Iowa Department of Public Health committee that further made adjustments for the Iowa rollout and that vaccine planning group further refined Iowa’s groupings and handed it off to local public health for each of the 99 counties to rollout. The complexities vary in all 99.
Even though This is from the CDC and dated the 20th of December it is still good for contextual information regarding what states were provided by the federal government when deciding how to group Iowans using vaccines paid for and provided by the federal government to Iowa.